dissabte, 8 de desembre del 2012

BOOK REVIEW (The Hunger Games)
The last book that I read was called The Hunger Games. It's by American writer Suzanne Collins, written in 2008 for young adult readers. My friends recommended me this book and I read it.
The Hunger Games is a history based in a Panem country divided into 12 districts. The people who live in the first district are richer than the other districts, and the last district is the poorest. The protagonists are two people that they live in the twelve district: Katnisss and Peeta. They are selected to fight to the end versus the rest of districts.
This book is intriguing and interesting. I began to read it and I couldn't stop until I finished it. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes the action books.

Bernat Nicolau (4C 12-13)

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